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Airplane Travel with Helmet

A couple months ago I posted a question about how to travel with a helmet on an airplane. It didn't fit in carry-on, and doubted it could go under the seat in front of me. A fellow member suggested purchasing this expandable backpack. I've since returned from the week of riding in Arizona, and happy to report that Joel's recommendation was (in terms of cost and value) one of the best purchases I've made in a long time.

This backpack is like a clown car. It just seems to swallow everything you want to carry, and at one point had it packed with both helmet and jacket, along with food and other items. Turns out I was able to push the helmet-stuffed backpack under the seat in front of me on the flight (it stuck out some, but not an issue), and it was a constant companion on this week-long trip; especially with limited pannier space.

One more example how this forum continues to be a great source of information.


"I managed to fit my helmet and other stuff in an expandable backpack, and it fit under the seat, even though it stuck out a bit.

I thought about wearing the helmet on the plane, but that didn't seem practical for security reasons. If you're planning more trips, finding cheap business class flights can make traveling much more comfortable.