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Samsung RSH5SBBP F/F Freezer not cooling?


Hi Guys.
A Happy New year to you all!
Sorry for not getting too involved (I still watch from afar so to speak), only as I am retired now.

I seem to be relegated to helping friends and family with faulty domestic kit.
Could anyone be kind enough to help advise on the above which apparently has started only maintaining the fridge temp.
Allegedly the freezer cabinet has been defrosted and is not being used?
would anyone have access to a service manual that would be a great start.
Many thanks.


It sounds like you're dealing with a common issue. When a Samsung RSH5SBBP freezer stops cooling, the problem often lies with the evaporator fan or condenser coils. First, check if the evaporator fan is running. It's located behind the back panel inside the freezer. Dusty condenser coils could also be the culprit, so give them a good clean with a vacuum or brush. Make sure the temperature settings are correct, as accidentally adjusting them can impact cooling. If these steps don’t resolve the problem, consider contacting a professional service. In Nashville, Appliance Repair, Nashville is known for addressing these specific issues.