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I made this tictactoe a long time ago and decided to add an AI option today. However, for no obvious to my reason, it just doesn't work even though I converted it from working javascript code.
Removed some irrelevant to the problem functions
Please help me with that.
Pursuing Artificial intelligence coaching in Chennai.
Removed some irrelevant to the problem functions
def minimax(self, is_max):
if self.won():
return 1 if self.winner() == 'O' else -1
if self.draw():
return 0
if is_max:
best_score = float('-inf')
for i in range(9):
if self.valid_move(i):
self.board[i] = 'O'
score = self.minimax(False)
self.board[i] = ' '
best_score = max(best_score, score)
return best_score
best_score = float('inf')
for i in range(9):
if self.valid_move(i):
self.board[i] = 'X'
score = self.minimax(True)
self.board[i] = ' '
best_score = min(best_score, score)
return best_score
def best_move(self):
best_score = float('-inf')
move = 0
for i in range(9):
if self.valid_move(i):
self.board[i] = 'O'
score = self.minimax(False)
self.board[i] = ' '
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
move = i
return move
def move_ai(self):
self.board[self.best_move()] = self.current_player()
self.current_move += 1
Please help me with that.
Pursuing Artificial intelligence coaching in Chennai.